Project MAMA

The Media Art Mobile Attack Unit

A Road Ready Utility Trunk prepared to contain, transport and dynamically exhibit new media based exhibitions.

MAMA is outfitted with a wide range of equipment for exhibiting new media works in it's many shapes and  forms. Types of works and projects have included: traveling pop up street projections and media interventions, interactive and generative media installations, sound and live performance, along with time based motion and animated screened projects.

Project by Rosas Studio: Carlos and Leanna Rosas

Year: 2006 - Present 


Rosas Studio MAMA II - Rosas Animation
Project MAMA II

Above Board | 2018 - Present

Project MAMA II is a new iteration of a collaborative touring project that was first launched in 2006. MAMA, a Media Art Mobile Attack Unit, is a Road Ready Utility Trunk prepared to contain, transport, dynamically showcase, and exhibit new media based work. The newly recommissioned* Media Art Mobile Attack Unit has been upgraded with racing graphics, new displays and main projector, and a very cool (new) main sail for screening work. 

Project MAMA

Launched in 2006

Inaugural Exhibition Call 2006:

The “Media Art Mobile Attack” unit (Mama) will feature a wide range of equipment for exhibiting new media works. The rules are…there are no rules, -just gotta fit in MAMA (a 45x30x27 case and will contain the contents of this traveling, new media based exhibition.) Much of the work we’re interested in will deal with media, technology, culture, etc. We are inviting a range of artists whose work may take such forms as net-art, sound, video, interactivity, gaming, multi-media, installation, activism/tactical media, robotics, haptic environments, open-source, hybridity, trans-media, wireless art, nomadic work, motion graphics, animation and technological and cultural interface performance. All configurations for work are variable to an extent. Currently, we plan to outfit MAMA with 2 CPU’s, iMac G5s with iSight, 2 video projectors, approx. 32” (max) plasma screen, surround sound stereo equipment, wireless networking capabilities, iPod for audio components/sound art, built-in server and a range of software. We are very excited that MAMA will also have her own GPS tracking device and web-map interface. Currently, she is a Mac set-up, but if necessary, we can accommodate PC. Cabling and power supply back-up will also be integrated into the system. In short, this will be one well-packed mama.

Carlos + Leanna | Rosas Studio

Rosas Studio MAMA 2006

Image of 2006 Inaugural Traveling Exhibition

Participating Artists:

Brian Crabtree and Kelli Cain, Marika Dermineur “”, Robin Rimbaud aka “Scanner”, Bevin Kelley “bLevin bLectum”, Wobbly, Jay Lesser, and Bevin Kelly “Sagan”, Jeremy Drummond, Doug Easterly and Matt Kenyon “S.W.A.M.P.”, JoeNice, Michael Salmond, Kakirine Moriwaki, Robert Dansby, Damion Catera, Justin Boyd, Eduardo Navas, Lynn Cazabon, Hasan Elahi, Mat Rappaport